Holy Spirit Retreat

-----This book outlines Catholic theology, Holy Scripture, and Sacred Tradition as it applies to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. It offers a unique perspective, explaining this grace through the Old and New Testaments, the early Church as well as the Catechism. Designed for both home and parish use, this book outlines the action of the Holy Spirit in the Church, the parish and individual lives.

-----Holy Spirit Retreat examines the historical, spiritual, and sacramental significance of the day of Pentecost, the sacrament of Confirmation and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Divided into two sections, the first discusses how God prepared His people for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, how Pentecost begins the restoration of man to God’s kingdom, and how man can more fully respond to the grace of Pentecost. The second section of this book is a manual for the giving of the Holy Spirit Retreat. It consists of outlines for seven talks that introduce participants to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is designed for team members who have become familiar with the material in the first section of the book to teach those participating in Holy Spirit retreats given at the parish level.


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